
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.

What is : Jet Fan

What is a Jet Fan?

A jet fan is a type of ventilation fan commonly used in buildings and tunnels to control airflow and remove smoke in case of a fire. These fans are designed to create a high-velocity jet of air that can effectively push smoke and other contaminants out of the space.

How does a Jet Fan work?

Jet fans work by drawing in air from the surrounding environment and then expelling it at a high velocity through a nozzle. This creates a jet of air that can be directed to specific areas to control airflow and remove smoke. Jet fans are typically installed in a network throughout a building or tunnel to create a coordinated ventilation system.

Benefits of using Jet Fans

One of the main benefits of using jet fans is their ability to quickly and efficiently remove smoke in the event of a fire. They can also help to control airflow in large spaces, improving air quality and comfort for occupants. Jet fans are often more energy-efficient than traditional ventilation systems, making them a cost-effective choice for many applications.

Types of Jet Fans

There are several different types of jet fans available, including axial jet fans, centrifugal jet fans, and hybrid jet fans. Each type has its own unique design and performance characteristics, allowing for flexibility in ventilation system design.

Installation of Jet Fans

Jet fans are typically installed in the ceiling or walls of a building or tunnel, depending on the specific ventilation requirements. Proper installation is crucial to ensure optimal performance and airflow control. Jet fans should be installed by qualified professionals following manufacturer guidelines.

Maintenance of Jet Fans

Regular maintenance of jet fans is essential to ensure they continue to operate effectively. This may include cleaning the fans, inspecting for any damage or wear, and testing the performance of the system. Routine maintenance can help prevent costly repairs and ensure the longevity of the ventilation system.

Applications of Jet Fans

Jet fans are commonly used in parking garages, shopping malls, airports, and other large enclosed spaces where ventilation and smoke control are important. They can also be used in industrial settings, such as manufacturing facilities and warehouses, to improve air quality and safety for workers.


In conclusion, jet fans are a versatile and efficient ventilation solution for a wide range of applications. Their ability to control airflow and remove smoke quickly make them an essential component of modern building design and safety systems.