
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.

What is : Auxiliary Heat

What is Auxiliary Heat?

Auxiliary heat is a secondary heating source that is used when the primary heating system is not able to maintain the desired temperature in a home. It is typically activated automatically when the temperature drops below a certain set point.

How does Auxiliary Heat work?

When the primary heating system, such as a heat pump, is unable to keep up with the heating demand, the auxiliary heat kicks in to provide additional warmth. This can be in the form of electric resistance heating or a gas furnace, depending on the setup of the system.

Benefits of Auxiliary Heat

One of the main benefits of auxiliary heat is that it ensures that your home stays warm and comfortable, even in extreme cold weather conditions. It can also help to prevent damage to your primary heating system by reducing the strain on it.

Drawbacks of Auxiliary Heat

While auxiliary heat is useful in maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home, it can also lead to higher energy bills. Electric resistance heating, in particular, can be expensive to operate compared to other heating methods.

When to Use Auxiliary Heat

You should only rely on auxiliary heat when your primary heating system is struggling to keep up with the demand. It is not meant to be used as a primary source of heat, as it can be costly and less energy-efficient.

Common Issues with Auxiliary Heat

Sometimes, auxiliary heat may not function properly due to issues with the thermostat or the heating elements. It is important to have your system regularly maintained to ensure that it is working efficiently when needed.


In conclusion, auxiliary heat is a valuable component of a heating system that helps to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. By understanding how it works and when to use it, you can ensure that your home stays warm and cozy throughout the winter months.