
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.

What is : Air Gap

What is Air Gap?

An air gap is a simple but crucial component in plumbing systems, designed to prevent contaminated water from flowing back into the clean water supply. It consists of a physical gap between the water outlet and the flood level of a fixture, creating a barrier that ensures water can only flow in one direction.

How does an Air Gap work?

When water flows out of a fixture, it creates a suction effect that could potentially draw contaminated water back into the clean water supply. The air gap interrupts this flow by providing a space where air can enter and break the suction, preventing any backflow of contaminated water.

Where is an Air Gap typically installed?

Air gaps are commonly found in dishwashers, water softeners, and reverse osmosis systems. They are usually installed on the countertop or sink, with a visible gap between the water outlet and the sink rim to ensure proper functionality.

Why is an Air Gap important?

By creating a physical barrier between clean and contaminated water sources, air gaps help protect the health and safety of individuals using the water supply. They are a critical component in preventing the spread of waterborne diseases and ensuring water quality standards are met.

What are the different types of Air Gaps?

There are two main types of air gaps: the standard air gap, which is a simple vertical space between the water outlet and the flood level rim, and the high loop air gap, which involves looping the drain line above the flood level rim to create a similar barrier.

How to maintain an Air Gap?

Regular maintenance of air gaps is essential to ensure their proper functioning. This includes checking for any blockages or obstructions in the gap, cleaning the air gap periodically, and ensuring it is installed at the correct height to prevent backflow.

What are the regulations regarding Air Gaps?

Building codes and plumbing regulations often mandate the use of air gaps in certain plumbing fixtures to prevent backflow and ensure water safety. It is important to comply with these regulations to avoid potential health hazards and legal consequences.


In conclusion, air gaps play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of plumbing systems and safeguarding the quality of water supplies. By understanding how air gaps work and ensuring their proper installation and maintenance, individuals can help protect themselves and their communities from water contamination.